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HISHINUMA - Hot Chamber Type Die Casting Machine

CX-F2 Series


Adopt a non-contact proximity switch for 2 steps changing mechanism for injection slow/fast that is resulted in long life. Standard equipped sequence control system and 8 inch liquid crystal color display touch panel.

External limit switch with injection cylinder (easily adjustment for change over position for injection slow/fast). Storage of various kind of casting condition (up to 20 types).

Illustration panel (allowed management for temperature of furnace and heaters).

Monitoring the output of hydraulic valve and limit switch. The display of die locking force (optional).

Magnesium - Hot Chamber Die Casting Machine

CXMG-350, CXMG-250, CXMG-150 & CXMG-60

CXMG-150 features:-

  • Injection Monitoring Screen - Injection condition with real time can be confirmed in displaying the injection wave shape in the operation board touch panel.
  • Electric Furnace - Electric furnace keeps clean in work environment. Also, it leads to long lifetime of melting pot.
  • Hydraulic Jack up system - A large hydraulic ram under the center of the locking unit allows quick and accurate injection position change.
  • Ingot pre-heating device - Ingot pre-heating system makes Mg management in melting pot easy by supplying pre-heating ingot automatically in detecting shot counter and Mg surface decline.

CXMG-60 features:-

  • High speed injection system - Adopting piston ACC and constructing optimum plumbing make reduction of injection pressure loss, extremely. 5 m/s was archieved by dry shot speed.
  • Die locking force indication - By the display of die locking force, die height can be easy to adjust. Also, it is interlock as safety signal when the injection goes on.
  • Induction nozzle heater - The new high frequency electromagnatic wave nozzle heater ensures tight tolerance nozzle temperature control and requires no fire protection frame.
  • Extractor-Sprayer MSR1200SAB - The new MSR1200SAB extractor combines extraction and die spraying & air blow at one operation to reduce overall cycle time.
  • Die temperature controller - The partiality of mold base temperature, it makes stable a grate deal of casting possible.

Sprueless Parting Injection Hot Chamber Type Die Casting Machine

Zinc U series

High cycle and super precision machine. U2 has renewed the image of old small type die casting machine. It has unique die locking layout and injection system resulting in realize high productivity.

Die open/close times have been reduced due to shorter stroke required with sprueless system. Direct injection of metal at the parting line reduced area for air entrapment resulting in small injection amount pershot.

